The tourist routes in Bieszczady National Park are icy and very slippery. We recommend using crampons or anti-slip grips. The thickness of the snow cover oscillates between 0-70 cm. The solid snow cover is mainly found in the forest areas. Above the tree line, the snow cover is uneven. In the peak areas, scattered and melted snow reveals stones and vegetation. Conditions for people moving on touring skis are difficult.
Read more:
Also hiking trails located in the Upper San
Valley are accessible. The snow cover is 10-30 cm thick. The access road
between Sokoliki and Bukowiec is now passable. If you decide to visit
this area of the Park, please be cautious, because on the routes you may
encounter fallen trees, also pay attention to trees leaning over the
trails under the weight of snow.
We remind you that, according to the Park
regulations, downhill skiing, sledding etc. is strictly forbidden.
Please remember that for safety reasons in the Park we move only on
marked trails.
In winter, admission to the Park is free. We try
to keep parking lots in Wołosate, Brzegi Górne, Wyżniańska Pass and
Ustrzyki Górne cleared of snow. Parking fees are charged according to
the winter season price list.
We also provide free toilets at the parking lot
in Wołosate and three dry toilets located on the trails: Wyżna Pass -
trail towards Połonina Wetlińska, Bukowska Pass and in Wetlina - trail
towards Orłowicza Pass.
to the necessity to keep the road passable for public and rescue
services, in the village Wołosate parking outside the parking lot is
forbidden (please follow the road signs). Cars must not disturb the
winter maintenance of the road or block the bus stops..
Current weather conditions can be checked on the Mountain Rescue Service and via a webcam