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An alert about the condition of hiking trails 06.04.2023
symbol - komunikat zimowy.jpgAvailability and conditions on the marked trails
At the moment, all trails and nature paths are available to visitors. Due to the winter weather, please be careful, prepare yourself for the route according to your abilities and check the tips and the map for visiting BdPN in the winter. There is currently a fresh snowfall in the mountains covering the previously formed icing. We recommend having crampons and poles, especially on steep sections of the trails. The thickness of the snow cover varies. Depending on the height and exposure, it ranges from 20 to 130 cm. The snow in the ridge parts can be partially blown away, while at the upper borders of the forest, snow banks are formed. Currently, the first (low) level of avalanche danger applies. Please remember that for safety reasons, walks are only possible on designated trails.  
ATTENTION in the mountains, there may be a sudden break in the weather and you need to be prepared for harsh conditions.
Current weather conditions can be checked on the GOPR (Mountain Rescue Service) Regional Group website and via a webcam. We appeal to all tourists to remember to download the Ratunek (Rescue) application. Thanks to this application, rescue services are able to precisely determine the location of a person in need of help.
Practical information for visitors
There is a fee to enter the Park. Entrance fees and parking fees can be paid at the information and ticket offices: in Wołosate at the car park, in Brzegi Górne and Muczne, and at the Wyżna and Wyżniańska Passes. When buying a ticket on the spot, we pay in cash. Tickets must be kept for inspection.
The admission ticket can also be purchased via the website A ticket purchased electronically (personal) together with an ID card should be presented to the staff at the information and ticket office at the entrance to the trail. Note: Internet coverage in the park is not the best, it is worth getting tickets in advance (a particularly difficult situation is in Brzegi Górne, Przełęcz Wyżniańska, Tarnawa Niżna and the valley of the upper San river)

Vehicle parking is only possible in our car parks and communal car parks. The park currently maintains three car parks: in Wołosate, Brzegi Górne and Przełęcz Wyżniańska - parking fees are charged in these locations.
If you want to get to Tarnica, you leave your vehicle in the car park in Wołosate, there is a ban on parking in the settlement itself, also in front of the information point.

In the Park, it is absolutely necessary to obey the instructions of the Park Guard and other services (e.g. Border Guard, Mountain Rescue Service).

Renovation of the tourist trail

On November 5, renovation works began on the section of the red hiking trail from Wołosate village to Rozsypaniec peak. Please be cautious and follow the temporary sections of the trail, in accordance with the current markings.

Attention! Closing of a wooden footbridge on the Tarnawa peat bog

Due to the construction works consisting in the replacement of the old wooden infrastructure, the nature path on the peat bog in Tarnawa Wyżna is closed from October 26 until further notice. A shorter, oak footbridge to the right of the car park remains available for tourists. The path is expected to be made available again in spring 2022.

Temporary closure of the section of the path Bukowiec - Beniowa

Due to the planned renovation of the trail, from Tuesday, November 2 until further notice, the initial section of the natural and historical path "In the Upper San Valley" will be closed. The closure applies to the short section from Bukowiec (parking lot) to Beniowa (cemetery). It is possible to get to Beniowa by bypassing the route marked on the existing bike route. New course of the trail is shown on the maps placed in the area and at the Bukowiec information and cash point.

An alert about the condition of hiking trails 23.04.2021
symbol - komunikat zimowy.jpg

All hiking trails and nature paths in Bieszczady National Park are available for tourists. All parking lots are open. We provide toilets free of charge. Admission to the hiking trails in the Park area is payable (tickets can be purchased in information and cash points at the begginin of each trail - only in cash or online via the website eParki).

Please remember that in the peak areas (mainly on the slopes with a northern exposure) and in the shaded sections of the trails the snow cover persist. In the lower elevations the snow is melting, the ground and mud is exposed. The trails are wet and slippery, so hiking in such conditions requires appropriate footwear. Be prepared for a sudden change in weather. 

Please be advised that from the end of April, alerts about the condition of the trails will appear only in the event of sudden weather phenomena or other difficulties. Winter alerts will return in November. 

The admission fees to the Park

After a winter break, we reopen the sale of the admission fees to tourist trails and to the area of nature paths.

From 21st March 2021 tickets can be purchased only online via the website eParki. Starting from 16th April 2021 Ticket and Information Points, where you can buy not only tickets, but also our souvenirs and publications, will be opened.

A normal ticket costs 8 PLN, a reduced ticket - 4 PLN. The ticket is valid for the whole day. 

Thank you for paying the fees. 15% of income is transferred to Mountain Rescue Service (GOPR). The remaining funds are used to maintain hiking trails and our infrastructure and for extensive range of activities covering nature conservation and education. 

The red trail temporarily closed

uwaga.pngFrom 10/03/2021 until further notice, the section of the red trail from Ustrzyki Górne to Połonina Caryńska peak is closed. In the initial section of the trail, renovation works will be carried out to facilitate access to the trails in this area for reascue service. Please be cautious and follow the instructions of the Park staff. The date of the reopening of the trail will be published immediately after the completion of the work. 

 UPDATE 2021-03-20: The red trail is reopened. 

An alert about the condition of hiking trails 05.03.2021

symbol - komunikat zimowy.jpgAll hiking trails and nature paths in Bieszczady National Park are open for tourists. 

The thickness of the snow cover oscillates between 10-70 cm, locally 150 cm. The old, frozen snow and ice are covered with the few centimetres of fresh snow. The paths and wooden elements of infrastructure are icy and slippery. Please be careful – slipping on an icy slope or frozen snow may lead to a dangerous fall. Low cloud ceiling and local fogs reduce visibility, pay attention to trail markings. First avalanche risk degree was announced.

Tourists choosing nature trails in the upper San valley must be prepared for inconveniences: the access road to Bukowiec is passable only to the bridge over the Halicz stream. Moreover, parking lots in Bukowiec and at the peat bogs in Tarnawa are covered in snow and closed. 

The yellow trail from Muczne to Bukowe Berdo peak has been temporarily changed in 1 km section (map). The new route has been marked on the ground. 

Please be careful and adapt the route to the current conditions and your capabilities. Current weather conditions can be checked on the Mountain Rescue Service and via a webcam.

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Administrator: Maciej Leń

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